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Horns on Your Skull Caused by Your Cell Phone

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in June of 2019. For the original video go to

Bob: Today Brad, we actually have an interesting topic. It’s called horns on your skull caused by your cell phone and how to stop it. That’s intriguing isn’t it?

Brad: Yeah.

Bob: So what are we talking about, Brad, horns on your skull? What we’re talking about here is actually a bone spur that can occur on the back of your skull. We kind of created one here. So, we have Napoleon Bone-apart here, we took his head off. And you can actually see the little bone spur coming out. That’s probably a fairly large one.

Brad: Sure.

Bob: There are probably a lot smaller ones.

Brad: But, you said you saw x-rays and it looked very similar to this.

Bob: Yes. Now the thing is, why this is not surprising to us, is because you can get bone spurs in your shoulder, you get bone spurs in your back, you can get bone spurs on your heel. So, why couldn’t you get bone spurs on your skull?

Brad: Right, because all we need typically, is a ligament or a tendon that attaches to a bone, overstress it, calcium deposits form, and it creates a bone over time.

Bob: And we’ll show you what ligament causes that on the skull.

Brad: There you go.

Bob: So this is based on research. It was from the University of Sunshine Coast. What a name right?

Brad: I’d like to visit.

Bob: Yeah this is in Australia. You probably want to go to Australia, don’t you?

Brad: I do.

Bob: It’s in Queensland and they did 1200 x-rays. They did it on a wide variety of ages. One-third, Brad, that would be 400 people, showed bone spurs.

Brad: At this location on the skull.

Bob: Yes, at that location. And, the frequency decreased with increased age. It was more in the younger people that had it. Isn’t that a little frightening?

Brad: Well, it kind of makes sense as we go into the research here.

Bob: Yeah, we’re going to talk about this. So, first off where does this occur? It actually occurs right at the back, and actually, if you want to tell right now whether or not you have one, you can feel on anybody here. There is actually a bump on the back. It’s the occipital protuberance there. The first bump you will feel right in the back of your head.

Brad: And that’s normal.

Bob: That’s normal to have the bump there, but run your finger down a little bit down towards your neck. Now if you start to feel the bone continues and forms something like the protrusion on the skull. Then, you probably have a little bone spur. But not to worry. That’s not really going to give you any problems or any pain.

Brad: I guess if it was large enough and you extended you head up and it starts to physically bump into something, then it might be painful or uncomfortable.

Bob: It could. It’s like heel spurs, a lot of heel spurs don’t give you pain, either. But, why does this bone spur occur? So, we’ve got Sam our other skeleton here. And this is a great demonstration here because attached to that bony protuberance there, is a ligament. It’s called a ligamentum nuchae. I always remember that from college and PT school because, it’s an interesting name to me. But that ligamentum nuchae attaches to that bone and then it attaches to the bony bumps on the back of your neck all the way down to C7.

Brad: Those are the spinous processes.

Bob: And it looks similar to this. It’s really wide, but it’s very narrow if you look at it from the back.

Brad: It’s probably not blue.

Bob: It’s probably not blue. But what happens is, every time you bend your neck forward, you can see that stretching, don’t you Brad.

Brad: Yeah, so you can see this tape is flexible, and it’s literally stretching. And that’s what happens when you bend forward. For example, to look at your cell phone. We’re looking like this, stretching that particular ligament out causing stress on that bone. Which causes the calcium deposits to form, causing bone spurs.

Bob: Ergo, bone spurs. So this doesn’t happen overnight. This is generally from prolonged posture. So you have your head down for a long time. It could also be a laptop, if your head is down. So again, the bone spur generally is not a problem in itself. But the other things that are going on could be a huge problem on your neck. With your neck down like this all the time, now you can start to get some deterioration in the neck itself. And you could get, what we call degenerative disc disease.

Brad: So the disc between the vertebrae are starting to fail or break down.

Bob: Right. So we talked again about how posture, where for every inch your head is forward that puts 10 pounds more stress on your neck. So, if you’re way forward you’ve probably got about 40 or 50 pounds more stress on your neck. And so, how do we get away from this? Very simple. Don’t look down on your phone like that. Brad’s going to show you. Bring your phone up to you, we call it Tyrannosaurus arms. You have short little arms, bring it up to you and look at your phone that way.

Brad: Or, you know, the other thing you could do is kind of compensate with your eyes. Instead of looking down with your head, look down with your eyes. And you can do this, but it is a little bit harder if you have bifocals, of course. But with healthy eyes, you can do it. That’s a habitual change, though, and it’s not going to be easy. But I’m thinking probably going to make a device, a harness that goes around the neck and you put the cell phone there and you go. You could just walk around with this thing bobbling around.

Bob: Well, Brad, I think they tried it with glasses, you know. They had the google like glasses, where you could see things on there. I think they’ll probably implant something in our eyes is what they’ll do.

Brad: Yeah, I see. Well one way or another it’ll get taken care of.

Bob: But the thing is, it’s also what we talk about with laptops, you don’t want to have your head way down with laptops either. Down looking at your keyboard or laptop for long periods of time, I think may be the culprit more than anything.

Brad: We have some videos on really nice ways to alleviate that, particularly people at work or at home.

Bob: So, basically get rid of the horns, Brad right?

Brad: Why, Brad, why? That’s exactly what I’m talking about.

Bob: Alright, thanks for watching.

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