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Sleep All Night Without Being Awakened from Snoring or Dry Mouth. Home Remedies

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in August of 2020. For the original video go to

Bob: Today we’re going to talk about how to sleep all night without being awakened from snoring or dry mouth. Those are two different issues. We are going to go over them separately. We are also going to talk about some home remedies.

Brad: Right, absolutely. If one of your family members or you, has problems with snoring or dry mouth, and both my wife and I have dealt with this. I don’t know if it’s the aging process or what but it’s an issue in our house. I want to share what we’ve learned because I know we aren’t the only ones.

Bob: Well this is where our audience are going to benefit from us getting older. As we get things, we are going to do videos on them, or our family members get things. We are going to be doing lots of things as we age.

Brad: It’s because we care, Bob.

Bob: Yes, we care.

Brad: First of all, I think what I decided to do because it’s our show and it’s my choice on this one. I tackled snoring.

Bob: Snoring, first. Big problem for a lot of people.

Brad: Exactly right. If you don’t snore, someone in your house might, and either way, it can affect the whole household. Like I was telling you earlier, when my daughter was still living with us, we kept her awake many nights from our snoring. Not just me, but my wife as well. So, why do you snore? It happens because when you fall asleep, the muscles in your throat, they relax and with open mouth breathing, it starts to get these vibrations. My dad, we always joked was a chainsaw, you know? “How many cords of wood did you cut last night, Dad?”

Bob: Yeah, I had a friend that stayed at our cabin and it was unreal. It was a phenomenon.

Brad: Did you hand out earplugs?

Bob: I mean, I had doors shut and you could still hear him. I think the town was complaining.

Brad: Yeah, we don’t want to talk about it. That’ll make the news. Seriously though, you can get this looked at, by a doctor.

Bob: I think you should.

Brad: You can talk to them. We are doing this video to promote this, necessarily, because sometimes you don’t need it, but one thing they might do is a sleep study. You go in and you sleep, and they hook you up and look at your heart rate and monitor you as you sleep.

Bob: I do want to say this, it is often a sign of sleep apnea and that is not to be taken lightly. It could lead to a lot of medical issues.

Brad: I’m, not willing to accept this personally yet, because I don’t want to be hooked up to a thing, but I know many people say once they got a C-PAP realized how much sleep they were missing out on. They’d wake up in the morning with so much more energy because they weren’t oxygen deprived that slight amount for 8 hours. So, that’s one possible thing. Oral devices, they make custom ones that you put in your mouth.

Bob: Appliances that are custom made for your mouth, right?

Brad: Exactly, or worst-case scenario, surgery. What we’re looking at, if you feeling pretty confident you’re a healthy person but you have this snoring thing, maybe you can just try something simple that the worst it’s going to do is not help. One of the harder things, if you happened to be a heavier person, if you lose some weight, that can reduce some of the soft tissue.

Bob: Yeah, we’re talking about the ones that are going to be very difficult to do. We know everyone wants to lose weight.

Brad: Right! Stop smoking! That’s a tough one too.

Bob: Yeah, that’s hard too. We all know it but a lot of you aren’t able to do it. It’s like a monkey on your back.

Brad: Don’t worry, we’re saving the easy one for last. So just hang in there folks. Allergies. If you’re dealing with allergies, if you can get a medication that eliminates that.

Bob: That’s an easier one.

Brad: It is. A good friend of mine was having problems with this while he was going through a cancer treatment and his dry mouth was bad, but tape your mouth and you know where he learned it from? I found out; this is where you’re going to find a lot of these tricks. Not from a medical doctor but from a dentist.

Bob: Yes, because the dentist, this is his area of study. The oral cavity. That’s all they do. You didn’t mention sleeping on your side though.

Brad: Thank you for reminding me, Bob.

Bob: You can try sleeping on your side. They also have those nasal strips. You said your wife tried those?

Brad: Exactly, she put those little things on her nose. They are kind of spring loaded, you tape them down and they’re not that expensive. Then they change and we don’t know for sure, that it helped. What happened was she put those on as well as taping her mouth.

Bob: Could she breathe?

Brad: Yeah! I’m going to show you in just a little bit here but yeah, I slept like a baby. She was quiet all night long. I had to wake up a couple of times to make sure she was alive.

Bob: Well, you taped her nose shut and you taped her mouth shut, yeah, I’d wonder if she’s alive too!

Brad: Seriously though for the tape, you can just use a little baby, one of the little skinny band-aids.

Bob: For you on the podcast, all he has is just a little thin piece of tape.

Brad: It’s about a quarter inch wide and maybe an inch long and I’m doing this so you can see it. Actually, she used scotch tape. I’ve done that too because I’m guilty of snoring.

Bob: You may want to get some tape that’s for the skin that is hypersensitive, you know? You could start to break the skin down.

Brad: Yes, See, because I can talk with this one. I can breathe through here too. So, it doesn’t choke you and there’s a skinny little tape because if something happens where you want to open it, it breaks right open. One time we woke up, we didn’t know where my wife’s tape was. I was like, “did you swallow it?” It was okay though. We found it. Give it a try!

Bob: Now, do you sleep on your side or do you sleep on your back a lot?

Brad: A little bit of both. I can’t sleep on my side very long because my back starts to be uncomfortable. Then I go back to my back, but I’m definitely snoring, but I have a dry mouth issue.

Bob: Sure. That’s the second part, part 2 of this video and podcast.

Brad: The thing about dry mouth is the medical term is xerostomia.

Bob: Xerostomia, I know stomia means opening.

Brad: I didn’t look up xero but it’s probably a Latin word. It’s one of those words that’s tricky, because it starts with an X, but it sounds like a Z. That kind of thing bothers me so if you’re an English major out there and you know why they do that; I want a comment or two explaining that. So, xerostomia, dry mouth that causes of it. Now, this is different than snoring. This is something I really think you should talk to your doctor about to clarify any problems. If you’re diabetic, it may be a problem associated with it. If you had a stroke, which you would probably know, that could be it. Or medication.

Bob: Yes, we see a lot of that.

Brad: Sometimes your medications can cause dry mouth. Sometimes we have a saliva gland that has a problem. You want to get that checked out. Again, dentist is probably the better source than a medical doctor. Unless you got the medications from the medical doctor.

Bob: Right, it’s a good one to bring up with the doctor, either one, and see what they think.

Brad: If you’re a healthy person and you’re not taking meds, in my case, you know, that’s the way I feel. As far as I know, I’m healthy and I keep track of myself. I sleep with my mouth open and that’s why I snore. Then it’s dry in the house. We don’t have a dehumidifier going right now.

Bob: You want a humidifier.

Brad: A humidifier, right. So, I’ve got this dry air going in and out of my mouth and you ever wake up and my mouth feels like sandpaper. Everything in there. It’s like, the first time it happened, I felt like, I was afraid, I had to learn to talk again.

Bob: What a tragedy that would be.

Brad: I went, and I got some water and it started to saturate like a sponge. It went back to normal and it felt pretty good. But anyways, it is a little scary if you’ve never had it happen before. It’s just dry as can be.

Bob: Interesting.

Brad: So anyways, put water by your bed, the first little home remedy. So, you just wake up, drink some water and go back to bed. A humidifier in your bedroom can be a nice way to help so it doesn’t dry up like the Sahara Desert. Then of course, no alcohol or caffeine within a few hours before you go to bed.

Bob: Right, and we also forgot to mention, that’s actually for snoring too. Alcohol can enhance that.

Brad: So, we had to move our happy hour from six o’clock to three o’clock to eliminate that possibility.

Bob: It’s five o’clock somewhere.

Brad: Then again, the same thing actually.

Bob: He tried the tape for this too.

Brad: I have to admit, I think it works better for snoring. I get it, but not near as bad, but there’s still a little dry mouth issues with this, but you know, again, it’s worth a try, this taping. It may do very well for a lot of people.

Bob: So, the obvious joke is Brad, your wife requested that you wear the tape all day long and maybe a bigger piece. I mean, I’m sure that’s come across her mind.

Brad: That’s pretty funny, you go to bed, get the tape.

Bob: It’s time to put the tape in place.

Brad: Yeah, it makes life in the bedroom amazing.

Bob: The stuff that you have to do when you get older.

Brad: Sleep well, quietly and enjoy a nice night.

Bob: Remember, Brad and I can fix just about anything,

Brad: Except for,

Bob: We fix snoring and everything else, but we can’t fix a broken heart.

Brad: There you go, good luck with this. We made a little humor out of it, but that’s life.

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