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Weight Loss Fast! THE BIGGEST MISTAKE with Eating Healthy Salads

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in February of 2020.  For the original video go to

Bob: It's a real beauty here today, weight loss fast. The biggest mistake with eating healthy salads.

Brad: There's no doubt about this Bob, in my mind. All right, weight loss!

Bob: You’ve been trying to lose some weight, Brad?

Brad: I have! You haven’t notice have you, Bob?

Bob: I thought you had.

Brad: No, actually I weighed myself this morning, I was 170.4 lbs.

Bob: So, how much is that a loss? I know, not from the way high, but just recently.

Brad: Well, January 1st I was 183.

Bob: Oh, so you’ve lost that much weight already?

Brad: That was a heavy 183, because you know how you fluctuate, and I was eating and drinking a lot. A few days later I was down to 180 but that was a light 180. You know how it is.

Bob: Yeah, I know how it is.

Brad: So, anyways, it’s been going good. Along with this weight loss, I’ve learned some interesting things, and the title of this is one of them. People automatically think we’ve got to start eating salads, like this( pictured below). This is my salad; this is what I eat. All this came out of my fridge this morning. This is what I have in the fridge on a regular day, I mean, we ate like this before, my wife and I, but now it’s more religious, more of a daily thing.

Bob: Sure, a little more plant based.

Brad: We’ve got some of this, spinach, organic spinach.

Bob: Those are baby spinach.

Brad: Blackberries, you know how nutritious blackberries are.

Bob: Blackberries are awesome. That is one of those what they call “superfoods.” But all these are really good choices.

Brad: Right. So, you take this, low in calories, high in nutrients, anti-inflammatory.

Bob: Anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, it just has it all.

Brad: Right! And then we've got to put something on it. We’ve got these low-calorie dressings, you’ve got to put that on there and then what happens? You absolutely ruin your diet. The reason why is first of all, there’s a lot of vitamins that to get absorbed into your intestines, they need to have oil, fats I should say, in your system to absorb that. The reason I know this, I was reading this book here by Dr. Mark Hyman MD and he wrote this book on, “What the Heck Should I Eat?” He goes through in detail on how you get the most out of your salads, and it’s not by putting on low calorie dressings.

Bob: A light salad, right.

Brad: Typically, they have fats in them, but not very much and the fats they do have in them aren’t the right kind of fats that you’re looking for.

Bob: The big companies, I mean, I don’t want to be one of those guys, but they are quite deceptive. They will sell you what they want, and it says “light calories, 50% less fat and fewer calories” but that doesn’t really mean anything does it Brad?

Brad: No.

Bob: 50% less than what?

Brad: They’ve got high emulsifiers, flavoring, high fructose corn syrup.

Bob: That’s the worst thing.

Brad: One of these has the second ingredient is corn syrup, I believe.

Bob: Yeah. So, if you want to know one of the things that you should never eat is high-fructose corn syrup. If that’s an ingredient on the thing that you’re going to buy, pitch it.

Brad: Seriously, just put it back on the shelf.

Bob: Yeah, all right, don’t throw it on the floor or anything. But it’s really, there’s no healthy benefit for you at all. It’s just really bad. When I see that, I run the other way.

Brad: Right. Getting on with things, before we babble too much, what should you put on there? So, according to Mark Hymen, he says right here, we’ve got some extra virgin olive oil, nice organic extra virgin olive oil and that’s what I’m going to put on this in just about a half hour when I eat this.

Bob: You know, Brad, the other thing I noticed on here is the amount of sodium in these too, this has got 350 mg per serving. If you’re trying to watch your blood pressure, that’s still highly proven that sodium isn't good, you want to avoid it.

Brad: It just doesn’t make any sense to put a diet like this and mix it with these low-cal dressings. It’s no good.

Bob: I often find Brad that I just cut apples and put berries on it and that’s enough for me. In fact, that’s what I’m eating this afternoon.

Brad: I was out to eat Saturday night in a restaurant, my favorite, you know. I always say, going out to eat is the best way to get fat. Actually, I was able to order something reasonably healthy. I went to the salad bar and I picked out all the healthy stuff I could. I didn’t get the potato salad and all these heavy things that are kind of fun to eat. All the dressings I just bypassed them. Luckily, they did have two little jars of just, I’m not sure what kind of oil but I just took it. And it was fun to eat. You could actually taste the vegetables very clearly.

Bob: So, you still enjoyed going out and you didn’t pay the price the next day. You were fine and you felt good.

Brad: Exactly. I watched everyone else eat their roasted chicken and potato salad and everything else. It did look pretty good though.

Bob: It does get a little tough.

Brad: Good luck with your weight loss and eat some healthy salads.

Interested in learning about the products mentioned: Book: "FOOD What the Heck Should I Eat?" By Mark Hyman MD Link:

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