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That's a Wrap 2021!

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

It's hard to believe that we are at the end of 2021. This year has brought many changes and challenges for so many. The Bob and Brad team are so very glad you made us a part of your year and hope that we were able to help you make the best of it. We appreciate all of you that watch and support us.

We have complied a list of a few of your heart felt comments. We will continue to make videos in hopes that you continue to live healthy, fit and pain-free.

"I’m thankful for your YouTube video on Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am 38 years old and was just diagnosed. My physician is not very open and informative on ways I can improve my daily living with this so I have been researching on my own. I was so thankful to find your video showing me what stretches to do to help."

"I want to thank you for your EXCELLENT videos. I use them for my students (all 400 of them to help them with their aches and pains and to better understand their physiology. I greatly appreciate your senior videos! I began my career with physical therapy so I love your humor and kindness. You are very special to all of us! Happy Holidays!" "Y'all are the most famous physical therapists on the internet, in my opinion and just straight facts! Thanks for all your help with my frozen arm/ shoulder. I no longer get steroid injections in my back. "

"In my professional practice I often refer my clients to your vids for exercise and educational tips. Your energy also helps to keep them motivated as well."

"I want to thank you for the video on the one-minute workout. I adapted the 2 minutes- 20 second routine to my Nordic Track ski machine routine. I get bored doing cardio and often just quit. This is what I needed for motivation. I have been using this technique for the past 2 months, and I have started alternating with weight training days. I feel GREAT! Thank you again!"

"I received your larger massage gun as a gift, so unable to leave an Amazon review. I wanted to provide you with one, though! For the 1st time ever, my 'barometric pressure' induced migraine-type symptoms disappeared 95% after my husband used THIS gun to relieve the tightness that always radiates from my thoracic muscles all the way up the right side of my neck. I also relieved his lumbar muscle tightness and discomfort! This is going to make hand massage in our home less frequent for sure. So easy to use and from someone who never used one before, seems like a well built device. Best gift from my dear friend Tammy. Way to go, guys. New follower here Happy Holidays"

"Bob and Brad, I have watched your videos for the past year after TKR and find them helpful and entertaining. Several months ago it became evident that I was going to need a revision and with that I decided to watch a few more of your videos. In one you introduced the Knee Glide. Looked interesting so I purchased it. Received right before surgery and tried it out - seemed pretty cool. Now after surgery I am convinced it’s the greatest PT device around. Absolutely amazing. I am now showing it to my PTs. Thanks for bringing this to the market."

"Thanks guys, I absolutely love learning so much from both of you. You really complement each other with experience and I feel a safety listening to you, thank you!"

"Hi Bob and Brad. I live in northwestern WI. I am 36 years old and have spondylosis and spondylolisthesis at L5-S1 from a childhood injury and neck arthritis in my neck C5-C7 from wearing a flak vest and Kevlar helmet for a year in Iraq on deployment in 2005. I struggle with chronic pain in my neck and instability in my low back and I just wanted to say I follow you most every day and I have been able to apply a lot of exercises and stretches you demonstrate and it is the only thing that I have found to give me relief so THANK YOU for what you do. I also like your daily memes of motivation and struggle. You guys are awesome."

"Good Morning SIR I Was watching most of your videos on utube and they all were amazing I like the way you just make it simple for us"

"Good afternoon Bob and Brad. I received my Bob and Brad massage gun the other day and I want to tell you guys that it is AMAZING!!!. I have used it before my workouts as a warm up and after my workouts as recovery. This massager blows my mind. I love it so much that I want to get the small one for my gym bag."

"I am following your shoulder exercises video at 83 years old I am having no pain now

Love watching you both on YouTube.?

"Got my Bob and Brad Massager today I've been wanting one, can't wait to use it."

"Way to go on today’s video Jordan’s Resistance Band Booty Workout in real time. Thanks for trying to save us!"

"I had an anterior total right hip replacement yesterday. I'm going home to watch all you guys have on hips. I love your you tube channel."

"I’d like to say huge thank you for your YouTube videos on si pain and exercises has been a massive help, I was in agony and collapsing in pain just a few weeks ago but now, after following your suggestions in how to ease si pain I am no longer in agonizing pain and am almost back to pain free I’m now an ever loyal fan... got to find out how to sort my knee out now, that’s another saga xxx"

"I’ve been watching and admire u both a great deal! Been through both knee replacements 7 years apart. Toughest surgery to recover from! U are excellent and share on YouTube for free. So thankful for that."

"Watched another one yesterday. They are fantastic and already received my ordered books in the mail. Thank you two for the great demonstrations."

"BTW I appreciate so much your videos and the incredible amount of helpful information you provide so generously. I 've been to acupuncturists and dozens of physio therapists half my life . I have spinal stenosis osteoporosis DDD with herniation and spondylothesis . Ive found movement and strengthening the only thing that has helped and it's so important to do it properly . This is why I see so much wisdom in your advice. Can't thank you enough Brad and Bob !"

"I am almost 76 and I had the Covid, Feb. 2020, and it did really bad things to my body. I had 8 weeks of therapy, and I thank the Lord for finding the two of you. That is when I started getting better. In Sept. my blood dropped down to 5.2, needless to say, I was infused with 2 quarts of blood, after that I began to regain my strength, and again with the help of the two of you, I almost feel like I am 60 again. Thanks again."

"Referred to your site by my Dr in Kelowna BC Canada. 73 years young with injured right . Love your videos and sharing like crazy. Oh and the wing is slowly getting better but splitting wood and shovelling snow takes precedent over daily exercises but mixing in the moves with the work is doable"

"You guys rock!! I asked and you delivered. Kegels. Not an easy topic to discuss but so many suffer in silence. Thank you!!"

"After watching your video on the tennis ball exercise for thoracic pain I tried it heard a loud pop and all my pain is gone!!! I then used the ball over my glutes. I haven't felt this good in a long time. Loose as a goose! Ill be watching!"

"Why Bob why? We love you both over here! The 2 most adored physical therapists in the world in our opinion of course! " "Thanks for today’s video in real time sitting in the chair. Awesome guys!"

"Your videos have helped me with golfers elbow plantar fasciitis and recently helped me solve a thigh pain. All great advice. Your exercises are excellent! I recommend you two all the time. Thank you both!"

"Your advice saved me. I have been to several PT. 25 years ago I was rear ended by a semi. With your help I’m now walking a mile a day and doing hand weights. Following your advice there as well. I just wanted to thank you so much"

"I just wanted to take some time and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the FREE assistant you've provided on YouTube. I've dealt with chronic leg pain for years that's been diagnosed as muscle imbalances. My health insurance declined my Physical therapy after only 8 visits but I was able to continue to progress and continue up my leg through your videos. I'm now plowing through your back exercises and stretch's for core strengthening. I CANT WAIT to start running again and you two have made it possible. THANK YOU."

"I love and truly appreciate your videos keeping me fit, healthy, and happy with your excellent body knowledge that includes good humor!"

"Thanks for informative help during these tough stay at home times."

"OK you guys are fantastic, not only do you help me with my shoulder pain but I love the way you explain why you’re doing a particular exercise. A lot of times when you go to a physical therapist, they tell you the exercises to do, but they don’t explain why or how it works. I am more likely to practice an exercise if I understand why it works. Thank you so much, you guys are truly professional and you’re funny and the chemistry between the two of you is great, thank you so much!"

"Dearest Bob and Brad and Staff, I have been a big fan and long time youtube subscriber. I greatly appreciate all your efforts and time producing your content and products. Although we are going to some challenging times I just bought two of your massage guns and exercise straps to help me with a severe fall on ice. Your encouragement, passion and love of your profession has been very uplifting and inspiration. I wish you, your families and your business continued and growing success. Its a shame I live on the East Coast would love to meet with you and thank you personally for everything you have done for me. Keep up the great work and education for us in your social media community. Best wishes again to all of you and your staff. If there are any future promotions with your products please keep me in mind. Have a great week! God Bless."

"Ya'll are a life saver!!! My husband couldn't walk without extreme back pain. Was in excruciating pain. Went to surgeon and he had a cyst where the surgeon needed to clip the bulging disk. Said there was a chance it would heal on its own as the surgery was too risky. We watched your video and purchased the handles for the wall. He started hanging and within a week, he was without pain. He is still doing it every day and we are going on 5 months without pain. Thank you so much!"

"FitGlide arrived today. I have neuropathy in my toes and they were really hurting. I used the FitGlide and the pain was immediately gone! I love this!!!"

"Dear Bob and Brad, You may never read this but I wanted to thank you for all you do. I had a disc bulge (which my PT friend diagnosed and gave me exercises for) and without health insurance it was difficult to heal from. Your videos on Youtube helped me stay calm about it and work toward healing in a chill way. I didn't freak out because you both were not panicking and telling me to rush to the hospital. (Short version: my back is 100% better and I now know how to move, lift, and sleep comfortably). My girlfriend also came across your videos on youtube (while searching for exercises for me to do) and said "You gotta see these guys, they're great!" I had asked "Is it Bob and Brad? The two most famous physical therapists on the internet?" she said "YES! Now their song is in my head and I'm fixing my neck!" (She had some neck pain she didn't realize she had with the help of her regular PT too)! I just wanted to thank you for all you do and to let you know you have major fans. I will send my girlfriend memes and say "guess who posted this on Facebook?" and she goes "I don't know but it's funny..." "Bob and Brad, the two most famous physical therapists on the internet!" She will say "What? Bob and Brad posted this? This just make them even cooler!" In short, the Gen Z love you Bob and Brad. Also, many of us are in pain due to sedentary lifestyles and working on computers all day! Thank you for doing what you do and making people feel confident and safe. From your huge fan"

"Yippie I found You I have been self rehabilitating myself since my stroke I was released from rehab 2 weeks after my stroke Because I was a charity patient. I was released With No mobility Not movement I went Home Prayed and asked God to lead me That is when I found you on youtube The stroke I had damaged My Frontal cortex on the left side. Watching You I have went from Unable to move my legs arms to Now able to Move Let me give Praise to God First For Leading Me To you. I am now Walking I have. No Good Balance I can not Move my Left Hand nor have use of my hand or fingers on my Left side But I can. Move my arm a little. I am still watching the youtube uploads daily I have to recommend You In a stroke group on Facebook You are Amazing I am a living Witness to This. Going From Completely Paralyzed to Now Able to move around and take care of myself I am not all the way there yet But I am far better Than I was. Thanks to God And You. I am grateful For you. My prayers is That God Richly Bless you with Health, Health and Much More."

"Hey I just wanted to tell you guys that your videos helped me out a lot, I had a bunch problems and your guys videos on youtube helped me solve the problem. Thank you guys i appreciate the videos!"

"Hi guys, just wanted to say love the Bob and Brad videos, I don't think you have any idea how much you've helped people, not just in regards to injuries etc, but also from a mental /social aspect especially in lockdown! The humor demo the videos is brilliant as well as the stretches. Keep up the great work"

"I found your You Tube video on hammer toes. I’ve been doing the stretching and massaging for two days. I have seen a 90% improvement. I am so excited! I will continue the therapy and become familiar with some Thank you so much! Your videos on balance and gait have helped more than you'll ever know! After taking 6 really bad falls in the last year because of my left foot scissoring in front of my right foot, I am now able to walk my Great Pyr for 30 minutes each morning, and for 15 minutes in the afternoon and evening. No more scissoring, no more falls. Just have to get the pressure off my spinal cord now."

"Hi Guys, I came across your channel when I had an episode of compartment syndrome followed by foot drop as its complication. I was told by the doctor straight on the face that my right leg can never recover as it was that bad. I was devastated and felt depressed. I was 37 at that time with 3 kids depending on me. Anyways, I followed your videos and was patient... 3 years later now... my feet is completely recovered. I still have numbness on the top of the feet because of the nerve damage and pain for which I am taking pain killers, I can walk and have a normal life which I think is a blessing from God and encouragement from your videos.. thank you guys"

"Hi Bob and Brad. I want to share a heartfelt thank you to you both. After being struck by a car while cycling last year, I feel so grateful for my swift recovery. My C-spine was severely injured resulting in an emergency fusion from C3 - C6. I’ve rebounded amazingly, and all has been going well for the past year until I started experiencing severe pain from a pinched nerve several weeks ago. An MRI confirmed Cervical Stenosis just below my fusion. The radiculopathy symptoms were uncomfortable and alarming to me, and my orthosurg suggested an additional fusion (C7). Before agreeing to an additional fusion, I pleaded for a few additional weeks to try some PT. I’m having trouble getting an apt for either PT or injections. While I wait, I took to the web and found you two. Mere DAYS after regularly practicing the exercises demonstrated in various videos you’ve shared, I’m seeing SIGNIFICANT improvement. I’m experiencing less pain/discomfort, I’m seeing centralization of symptoms, and my tricep strength is slowly returning. I feel hopeful for the first time since learning that second surgery was the recommendation. I’ll still aim to get in with an in-person PT, and who knows if I’ll be able to clear this up to my physicians liking, but THANK YOU for your videos — I’ve gotten soooo much out of them."

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Medical Disclaimer All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Affiliate disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced in order to help you make the best choice for you.

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