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Exercise 8 Minutes Before Bed- See What Happens in A Month

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in January of 2021. For the original video go to

Bob: Today we're going to show you how to exercise for eight minutes before bed. And you could see what happens when you do that in a month. I think you'll see some changes for the good.

Brad: My wife will go nuts, is what'll happen if I do that?

Bob: Well, I think you should. This is a good time to say, I don't think you should do it right before bed. I think you should do it like an hour before bed. Maybe an hour and a half.

Brad: So I can go downstairs and be by myself.

Bob: Yeah, you can do it downstairs. These exercises are either 30 seconds or a minute and we'll time them out.

Brad: Right, do it whatever you want to start with, I'd start with 30 seconds, see how it goes, and proceed as you tolerate it.

Bob: All right let's do a little warm-up for 30 seconds. We'll do reverse arm circles. So I like reverse ones because you're actually strengthening your posture muscles. If you go forward, you're strengthening your pecs.

Brad: Yeah, so think about going back and stretching.

Bob: Stretching and squeezing your shoulder blades together while you're doing it.

Brad: Think about breathing in. Breathe in through that nose get some air in those lungs and exhale.

Bob: Yeah, have your face formed correctly. This is a little joke between Brad and I.

Brad: From that book, "Breathe."

Bob: Yup breathing in. Okay, next one. High knees for 30 seconds. Now you can put your hands out if you want to, to know that you're kicking up high enough, or you can just do it like Brad was doing it without that.

Brad: Putting your hands on the hips might work.

Bob: Sure, this is like, you never did any military training, did you?

Brad: No, no, no. But yeah, I know what you're saying but I can't say from personal experience, of course except for the movies, which I don't think is accurate.

Bob: Okay, next we going to do some squats for 60 seconds, Brad.

Brad: Oh, okay.

Bob: Now you might get your legs far apart and I like to do them with my arms overhead like this too. Just because again, it's a posture thing.

Brad: Yeah, you can see it brings in shoulders back, head up.

Bob: Yup, you can do them with your arms straight out in front of you too if you want to, but these are air squats. Can you see it on Brad? He's trying to keep his knees behind the front of his feet. Yeah, why don't you show that Brad?

Brad: So if I'm going down and my knees go past the stick, that would not be what we want. So you want to keep those heels down really forces you to keep your back arched.

Bob: That's why some of you are going to want to maybe have a chair behind you to make sure you're going back far enough. Some of you are going to be leaning too far forward, while you're doing these. And you really want that back straight. That's the big key to this.

Brad: The thing about a chair is you can just go and until your bottom touches the chair and it forces you to go, be very consistent with your depth and how far you're working that squat.

Bob: All right, We're going to get down now and do donkey kicks for 1 minute.

Brad: So you want to keep the knee bent

Bob: Yup. The knee is bent and you direct the foot straight up to the ceiling.

Brad: That isolates and gets the hamstring out and works more the glute. Is that correct Bob?

Bob: That is correct.

Brad: We're doing alternate, I'm sorry.

Bob: I'm doing alternate, you could do it either way. You could do 10 on one side then 10 on the other side. But this way you're going to make sure you're even. I can feel this in my glutes, Brad.

Brad: Yeah.

Bob: And I hardly have any glutes.

Brad: You have to be careful because my hamstrings are always twitchy and crampy. If it is cramping then kick your legs straight out and that will take care of it.

Bob: It will minimize that and it'll be okay.

Brad: You're still going to get exercise.

Bob: Do you have a lack of potassium Brad?

Brad: Yeah, potassium, carbonate, who knows.

Bob: All right we did up plenty of, will it be called A$$ kicks?

Brad: Bob, Bob why Bob? Let's just carry on.

Bob: All right, let's do some alternate leg lifts. So all you're doing is lying on your back and alternating bringing your knee up toward your chest for 1 minute. I like to put my hand beneath my back to give it support while I'm doing this.

Brad: I make a triangle with my hands to put under my sacrum. And that really feels good on my back.

Bob: Are you going to kick me?

Brad: I might. But don't worry it’s not the first time. Did your wife ever kick you in the head?

Bob: Yeah, usually she'll say she was sleeping when she did it, but I know she wasn't. Lol

Brad: Yeah. We know how that goes. That's all part of it. It's nice to be married.

Bob: We have to say that.

Brad: We'll get into trouble. These are great for that core.

Bob: Yeah, this is. I'm feeling it in the core and we're going to go into the hardest part of the program because now we're going to go into push-ups for the core. And then we're going to do planks, which is core too.

Brad: I just remember to keep that breathing going. That makes a big difference.

Bob: You really should keep your head down too. I was lifting mine up and your neck can actually get sore. All right. Now, we're going to do push-ups for 30 seconds. Brad makes fun of my form in pushups.

Brad: Everyone does. Just look at the comments on our videos.

Bob: Everybody does it is terrible.

Brad: But they love you, Bob.

Bob: Yeah.

Brad: And it's getting much better.

Bob: All right, I'm trying to improve.

Brad: Are you going to count?

Bob: Oh, I'm not going to count. I was just going to go see what I can do in 30 seconds. I didn't count though. What did you do that one day Brad, 50?

Brad: I can't remember 48 I think. Close enough. I wanted to do 50.

Bob: Okay, now this one just to make it a little bit easier Brad we're going to go off knees. Keep your back straight. And you're going to go down and then up.

Brad: That hurts my knees, Bob. I'm going to go on my toes, even though it is harder.

Bob: Now these aren't good on the knees, you should get me a pillow if you are doing this.

Brad: Well if you had a softer carpet but we're doing it on a thin mat carpet here and the concrete was not finished very well it’s all lumpy.

Bob: All right the next one is 30 seconds and we're doing double bridging.

Brad: Oh, the double bridge. You can't go wrong with a double bridge.

Bob: Well, you can, but we won't steer you wrong. All right, all you have to do is bring your butt up to the double bridge. Working a little bit of that core, working a little bit of the glutes again.

Brad: If you bring your heels farther away from your body it kind of changes it a little bit.

Bob: Oh yeah, sure. And also, if you're really a tough guy or tough girl you can do the one-legged ones and switch back and forth.

Brad: Oh yeah. I'm breathing Bob.

Bob: I forgot to, now I'm going to start again. All right next one, we're going to go right into doing kicks with the bridging.

Brad: This is similar to what we were doing. Just be careful If you get crampy hamstrings you're going to have to hold on.

Bob: 30 seconds. Di, di, di, di, di, di, di.

Brad: Do you play music when you do this or do you just go and sing stuff to yourself?

Bob: Yeah, I like to sing in the shower.

Brad: Well, I don't want to hear about that.

Bob: Oh, I was dipping down Brad. I was cheating.

Brad: Yeah, I might be too.

Bob: All right, just roll onto your side, and let’s do some Clamshells.

Brad: Keep the feet together, I always think about keeping my heels and my big toes touching like they are pivot points to make sure I do it properly.

Bob: Oh, that's 30 seconds too. We'll do 30 seconds on one side and 30 seconds on the other side.

Brad: Yeah, yeah. This one always amazes me. It looks so easy. But when you do it, it's like, oh right there. That little muscle is starting to burn right now.

Bob: Yeah, it's amazing how if you add resistance, this gets tough.

Brad: Yeah.

Bob: I got my mic on here. So I'm not going to lay all the way down now.

Brad: Aren't you going to tell that story about the time you used the black band and you were limping around for three days?

Bob: I got a feeling you're tired of that story Brad.

Brad: Well, some of our listeners are new and they might want to get bored too.

Bob: Yeah, that's true. So I'm going to tell it. So I used the black band, and I was like I'm in shape. I thought I'm going to do these with the resistance band. My butt and my side, I think were sore for a month. I'm not joking even one bit. All right, hey guys. You're doing well here. We're all the way to the cool-down.

Brad: Oh we are excellent.

Bob: So we're back up again. Just cool down for 30 seconds on the high knees.

Brad: Oh back to this.

Bob: And again, you just want to relax a little bit. Maybe you don't even go up as high. Just kind of cool down here.

Brad: Get the spaghetti out of your arms. Shake them out. Are we doing knee circles yet?

Bob: Yeah. Why don't you show the knee circles, Brad?

Brad: I like doing this. It kind of feels good on my hips.

Bob: I don't know if I can do those. I don't have the flexibility to do those.

Brad: Really? Like you pretend there is chalk on your knee and you draw a circle on that chalkboard in front of you?

Bob: You have that external rotation better. Okay, just reverse circles. Nice, not too aggressive. Just cool it down.

Brad: Think about shoulders back at good posture.

Bob: We're going to show you the FitGlide. Now, this is an option for you guys if you want to work out at night and you're not really physically fit yet but you want to start to get something moving and you can do it on the couch. You could do it on a chair, in front of the TV and you can do eight minutes that way too.

Brad: Yeah, this is great for those people who have knee pain from arthritis or hip pain, all right.

Bob: Yep, you keep the knee moving without stress on it.

Brad: And you can just work that. It does not look like too much but I've done this for two to three minutes and it starts to work a little bit. And I mean I run and everything.

Bob: If you do eight minutes, you'll feel it.

Brad: Yeah, If you want to change you can put it up on the stand. This way really gets the hamstrings going. It doesn't look like that much but Bob this is quite a bit harder when you tilt it on the front.

Bob: Did you mention how much it weighs Brad?

Brad: It weighs 5.1 pounds Bobs.

Bob: Yeah. So anybody can carry this around, just about anybody. I'm going to jump in here because I'm going to show that when you're lying in bed, you can put it in your bed.

Brad: Typically, in bed you're flat. That is kind of nice.

Bob: So you can actually wake up, put it on the bed and start working help before you get out of bed.

Brad: Say no more Bob, say no more.

Bob: I think this is one of the cool features of this for people who might be on bed rest or must be confined to bed because of weakness. At this point, they can start moving.

Brad: Right, it is a great rehab tool to get from that stage to standing. And that's not uncommon in our field, with patients we work with.

Bob: All right, remember Brad and I can fix just anything.

Brad: Except for...

Bob: A broken heart, but we are working on that too.

Brad: We are not making any promises at this point.

Bob: Yeah, we’ll just say we're working on it.

Brad: Peace.

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