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Avoid Hungry Water? #1 Key for Weight Loss & A Robust Active Life- All Experts Concur

This article is a transcribed edited summary of a video Bob and Brad recorded in February of 2021. For the original video go to

Bob: Today we're going to talk about how to avoid hungry water, question mark. It's the number one key for weight loss, and a robust active life. All experts concur.

Brad: Absolutely, Bob. And hungry water, if you haven't heard of that, don't worry we're going to explain it in detail. It's a very fitting term that you should be familiar with. This is not going to be a five-minute discussion. If you really want to know about water, and if you're drinking what you want for water, it's going to be more than 10 minutes.

Bob: A lot of things to keep in mind here.

Brad: Yeah, good information.

Bob: A lot of controversial information.

Brad: Actually, it is. We'll clear some of it up, and some maybe not. So keep that in mind. Bob, are we ready to go on?

Bob: Let's go, let's roll.

Brad: And we concur on this. Now this is one thing that we all feel, everything we have read, and I think everyone will agree: doctors, nutrition gurus, weight loss gurus, they all agree that people need to have ample amount of water to stay healthy. If you're losing weight, you really need to get water in to keep the system moving. It makes you feel full a little bit that way, but just the system to get things moving.

Bob: There are exceptions. There are people who are trying to watch their blood pressure or whatever. You know, if they're on certain meds and stuff. But yeah for the average person they are probably not drinking enough water.

Brad: Exactly. I know my brother's an ER nurse, and everyone that comes in, they always are dehydrated.

Bob: Brad and I have worked in nursing homes, and that is such a common diagnosis. It's almost like a daily occurrence.

Brad: Right. So I think we kicked that horse enough. So let's go on. How much water should we drink? Let's go to the extremes, Bob. We know that if you don't drink any water for three to five days, it results in death. On the other hand, you can drink too much. As a matter of fact, I found a case, a woman drank 1.6 gallons, or six liters of water within a three-hour time period. Within a day, she passed away from too much water. The body cannot take it. And you mentioned someone locally that it happened to.

Bob: Yeah, it was a really unfortunate situation, a college student got sick and they told them to drink lots of water, and he went nuts over it. The sickness combined with the water, he actually passed away from it. I mean it was tragic.

Brad: So, we're going to come up with some good rules of thumb from the information I found out. Again, this varies on your body size, how much water you should drink a day. Like the climate, the weather, how active you are.

Bob: Yeah, it's really hard to give a general rule of thumb.

Brad: Right, so we're going to give you some ideas here.

Bob: Yeah, a starting point anyway.

Brad: Yep. The average person, if you're just living your average day-to-day life, I think the eight times eight rule. Eight glasses of eight ounces of water, 64 ounces a day, is a pretty good rule of thumb.

Bob: You can try it, and see how you feel with it. How you're doing with it.

Brad: If you're more active, one ounce per one pound of body weight. So I weigh about 175 pounds. That's a lot of water, because I keep track of it.

Bob: 175 ounces, but you are very active. You work out a lot.

Brad: In the summer that would be no problem. Now, in the winter, not so much. This next rule, males averaging 125 ounces a day. Females, it was kind of unusual, 91 ounces.

Bob: You know, there is another way, Brad. You can actually go ahead and drink some water, and see how long before you go to the bathroom. If you go to the bathroom almost immediately, you already had enough water in you. And if you don't, you actually don't go to the bathroom for a couple hours, you still probably need more water.

Brad: Sure, is that homeostasis? It might vary if you have some caffeine in your system. That might play a role.

Bob: A lot of things can play a role.

Brad: Exactly right. So Bob, now that we've cleared all that information, We've got to get on, so drinking water. If it's so important to drink water, we should know what kind of water to drink. Do you just go to the store and drink some water from the bottle at the convenience store? Do you go to the tap? Get it right out of the tap, or do you need to do something special? So we're going to talk about that. Now this, these four things I kind of did this for myself, because I got a filter at home. I've been looking into this stuff to figure out what's best for myself and my family. I grew up in a rural area, we had our own well. It was about 40 feet deep. Not a very deep well, but it was in the middle of the country. There were no farms around, there was no nothing. Everybody loved our water. People would come from the city. "Oh, it tastes great." And it was well water, so it had a lot of minerals in it.

Bob: You didn't have to worry about fertilizer or chemicals.

Brad: No, we did not. And I swear, we had the best water around. That is he best, in my mind and I think most people agree. The water that filters through the earth, collects minerals from the stone and the earth, and you get your calcium and magnesium and all those things.

Bob: Iron?

Brad: Iron, exactly right. You get that, that your body needs to stay healthy. So that's very good, well water, that's the best thing.

Bob: Hard to get, though.

Brad: Right, because I have a well right now, but there's like 140 acres of corn that's been there for 40 years, and every year they put in nitrogen. They put atrazine, and all these chemicals. And eventually, it probably will get down into that well. I got 130 feet well, I'm thinking, you know, it might be down there. So I started thinking, what do I need to do? I need a filter, but a carbon filter is going to take out some odor, little bit of iron, but it's not going to do iron either. You got to get an iron filter. We put that in. We liked the iron, but it was so bad that it was turning red. You get red hair, you know, you have to do something.

Bob: Yeah, that was Linda's parent's house.

Brad: So I went with a reverse osmosis system. Which is, takes out everything. And that's where the hungry water term comes in.

Bob: So if you take out everything, the water becomes hungry.

Brad: Right, if you have distilled water, or reverse osmosis. You have nothing in the water but water, which is good. But what they say now, this is a controversial subject. You drink this hungry water; it's got nothing in it, and it's too pure, and it can actually perform a reverse osmosis from the electrolytes in your cells. And this is theory now. I've found different arguments that no it doesn't happen, your stomach is so acidic, it has enough things that if your diet is good and healthy, you're going to be fine. I took my reverse filter out actually, there's five filters, I took that one out about two weeks ago. I think I'm going to put it back in after doing more research. That's up to you. I did put a remineralizer in the system, which is supposed to add in minerals to the water. I don't know if it's a marketing thing, or if it really works. I would have to do some more research.

Bob: I don't know if this is a good time to mention this, but like, I sweat a lot, especially in the summer. I might get drenched like three times during the day, cutting lawn and stuff. I drink a lot of water of course, but then it does wash out my electrolytes. I start getting dizzy.

Brad: Particularly sodium.

Bob: Yeah, sodium. So, I do take Nuun tablets. They make all the difference. When I take those, I don't have any problems. But when I don't, I get dizzy.

Brad: Oh yeah, you need those electrolytes. Now, one thing you can do if you're drinking distilled, or RO water is, they make tablets you can put in specifically for that, mineral tablets. You can also, I've heard people say, use honey, or some natural syrup. Pure maple syrup. Because that's coming up from the earth.

Bob: Oh, sure. That it has some of the same stuff.

Brad: That doesn't mean you can put a cup of pure maple syrup in the water. Lol.

Bob: Just a spoon full of sugar.

Brad: So just a little bit of those to get some minerals in your water to reverse that reverse osmosis syndrome, if you will. Let's go to the next one. Bottled or processed water, which we have right here. Got this at the convenience store. This is pretty common now. The BPA, in other words, it's bisphenol A, and the A, I'm not sure what that stands for. But there's three bisphenol products. There's A, there's F, and there's S.

Bob: So they're BPA, BPF, BPS.

Brad: Right, the BPA is pretty well known as a possible carcinogen.

Bob: So people do not want the BPA. Obviously you hear that quite often.

Brad: So what do you do? Do you drink it, or do you not drink it? So, probably not the best choice. And a lot of people will say, absolutely not. But one thing, like my water bottle that I drink from, I have about three or four of them. This says it has no BPA in it, but it's plastic. But I believe it does have BPF and BPS. But I fill this up from my own water in the morning, and it lasts maybe three hours. Actually, I bring two to work. So, I drink them up within an hour and a half. But four hours is the longest it's ever going to be in there. And you don't have the time for the plastics to go into the water.

Bob: Although sun would enhance that, probably.

Brad: I don't keep it out in the sun, but that's a good point. Think about this: bottled water you buy could have been on a shelf in a storage room for months. And then, if you get it out in the sun, or it gets hot in the summer and it warms up, that all enhances the amount of BPA, or the other chemicals to get into the water. And that's why some people call bottled water, plastic tea. If that makes you think.

Bob: And that's not a good tea to have.

Brad: Yeah. So people are just going to be trembling after watching when they're drinking it. I still drink out of them, but not as much.

Bob: I'm bad about it, because it’s convenient. At our cabin we're not really supposed to drink the water there, the city water's, not good, and so I get plastic bottled water. I leave it in my golf bag, and it heats up. So, I have to stick with the other water bottles.

Brad: Now what do we got here?

Bob: Well, this is Aluminum.

Brad: It's not stainless steel? I think they recommend stainless steel as a step ahead of aluminum.

Bob: It is stainless steel; it says on the bottom.

Brad: Having your water in a stainless steel or glass bottle is what I’ve found to be the most recommended. Aluminum, I wouldn't have aluminum because it oxidizes pretty easily. And that’s no good. So number four, municipal or tap water right from your house. It's been treated by the by the city or whoever, you know. They put the chlorine in there to kill the bacteria. They put the fluoride, to keep your teeth from getting cavities. But then there's controversy on that. Some people say that fluoride might be good for your teeth, but not so good for the system. If you do take too much of it, that can kill you too.

Bob: Wow, interesting.

Brad: I don't know what the volume is, you don't have to worry about that with your tap water by any means. But anyways, another thing I found out, what's in your tap water? You can go to the website,, Environmental Working Group. I found it without any problem. Look under EWG’s National Tap Water Database. You put your zip code in there and they have done tests on all the zip codes. You know, if this is in the United States, and I looked at the water from the village where I live. I don't get it, because I live outside the village. It didn't look real clean, but it's acceptable to drink. The volumes of chemicals that are in there are not high enough to worry about, so they say.

Bob: Well what's shocking, and this has become more and more of an issue, is how many prescription medications are found.

Brad: I was just going to bring that up.

Bob: Yeah, a high percentage.

Brad: There were studies done from California to New York, and up to 52 different pharmaceuticals or medications were found. They're talking about trace amounts. It's probably not enough that it’s going to affect you. But if you do drink a lot of water, you know, you've got all these things to think about. Do you feel comfortable drinking your tap water? Usually tap water, to me, doesn't taste that good in most places.

Bob: Right. But you grew up with the best water in the world, Brad.

Brad: Well, I don't know what it comes from, but anyways, for me I'm going to go with my RO water. I have the remineralizer on it too. I may put a little bit of maple syrup in there just because it might taste good. It’s got all that from the earth. If you think about the water in the ground that the tree brings up? You boil out all the water, and that's all you have is that purity.

Bob: Can't you put some on your RO machine that puts it in automatically for you?

Brad: Well, I got to look into that. I might be able to make something like that, a drip. Lol. Anyways, we want to joke a little bit.

Bob: You're a drip.

Brad: Yeah, but this is something to consider when you're drinking water. If you're drinking a lot of it.

Bob: Trying to be healthy. And I don't know what to do, Brad. Now that you got me so confused.

Brad: Yeah, it is a can of worms, actually, when you start getting into how important water is, the volume you need to drink. But then, what kind do you drink? You want to be healthy, you want to keep your children healthy. So, good luck with it.

Bob: Right. Good luck out there.

Brad: Yeah, if we come up with some more concrete information we’ll let you know. Go find a good well.

Bob: And we want your comments below, share your opinion.

Brad: Yeah, absolutely, because there's going to be a lot of people with opinions. It's going to be like a diet or, you know, a nutritional thing.

Bob: Well I want to hear them; I want to hear both sides of it.

Brad: Yeah, absolutely. Good luck.

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