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Bob & Brad

John Gibbons is a world-renowned osteopath, author and lecturer for the Bodymaster Method®. He specializes in the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports injuries and has worked with top-flight athletes from Premiership footballers and rugby players to the Oxford University Boat Crew and Olympians.

He delivers sell-out courses throughout the UK and internationally to physical therapists wishing to study his acclaimed Bodymaster Method® and to date has written seven books, all of which regularly feature on Amazon’s bestseller lists: A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping, Second Edition; Muscle Energy Techniques: A Practical Guide for Physical Therapists; The Vital Glutes: Connecting the Gait Cycle to Pain and Dysfunction; Functional Anatomy of the Pelvis and the Sacroiliac Joint; The Vital Shoulder Complex: An Illustrated Guide to Assessment, Treatment, and Rehabilitation, and The Vital Nerves: A Practical Guide for Physical Therapists.

To purchase any of the books mentioned visit here.

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