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Dr. Eric Westman is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke University. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine and Internal Medicine, and founded the Duke Keto Medicine Clinic in 2006 after 8 years of clinical research regarding low carbohydrate ketogenic diets. He is Past-President and Master Fellow of the Obesity Medicine Association and Fellow of The Obesity Society. He is an editor of the textbook: Obesity: Evaluation & Treatment Essentials, and author of the New York Times Bestseller The New Atkins for a New You, Cholesterol Clarity, and Keto Clarity, and End Your Carb Confusion. He is also co-founder of Adapt Your Life, an education and product company based on low carbohydrate concepts.

Books by Dr. Westman:

1) End Your Carb Confusion

2) Keto Clarity

3) Cholesterol Clarity

4) The New Atkins Diet

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